
The museum, which has existed for almost 100 years, has the fourth largest collection of works of Jacek Malczewski’s paintings in Poland. The Museum also presents the works of Józef Brandt, Józef Chełmoński, Olga Boznańska, Leon Wyczółkowski and Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz. Historic exhibitions present the history of Radom, the Pinno family and Leszek Kołakowski, philosopher coming from Radom. There is also a permanent archaeological exhibition and the collection showing non-European cultures. The youngest visitors will enjoy the rich natural division of the museum.
Rynek 11, Radom
+48 48 362 56 94,
+48 48 362 21 14
Tickets: all exhibitions – PLN 20 (normal), PLN 13 (group with guide), PLN 12 (discount), PLN 20 (Large Family Card); single exhibitions – PLN 9 (normal), PLN 8 (group with guide), PLN 7 (discount); free exhibition – Leszek Kołakowski; Saturday – free-ticket day.
Opening hours: Tuesday 9:00-15:00, Wednesday 9:00-16:00, Thursday 9:00-15:00, Friday 10:00-16:00, Saturday 11:00-16:00, Sunday 11:00-16:00.

The Radom History Museum is a permanent exhibition of the Jacek Malczewski Museum. One of the most modern exhibitions in the country (combining the traditional form of a museum with multimedia) is located on three floors of Radom tenement houses. The museum presents the history of Radom from the 9th century to 1945. Rich collections and modern technologies such as VR glasses or three-dimensional animations allow visitors to travel in time. Visitors can see almost “live” the changes that have taken place in the city over the centuries.
The museum offers free admission on Saturdays.
Rynek 4/5, Radom
+48 362 25 50

On over 35 hectares of the open-air ethnographic museum, there are 80 old rural buildings, including cottages, manor houses, churches, windmills, mills, forgeries and other farm facilities. In addition, the museum exhibits over 17,000 mobile exhibits, like agricultural machines and tools, beehives, furnishing, and pieces of folklore art. The museum presents the everyday life of a former Radom village, including folklore habits and rites. It also organises many outdoor events.
ul. Stawowa (access from Krychnowicka Street), Radom
+48 48 332 92 81
Ticket prices: PLN 14 (normal), PLN 8 (discount), PLN 100 (annual), PLN 1 (special to selected events), PLN 0 (children up to 7); museum lessons: PLN 10 (children up to 7), PLN 14 (others); car park: PLN 5.
Opening hours: from the Palm Sunday to the Potato Festival – Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:00, Saturday – Sunday 10:00 – 18:00; from Monday following the Potato Festival to Saturday preceding the Palm Sunday: Monday to Friday 9:00 – 15:30, Saturday – Sunday 10:00 – 15:00.

It was established in 2005 as the institution of culture of the Local Government of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. It is located in the neo-Gothic building of a former municipal power station of 1901, which was expanded in the years 2010-2014. The project was originated and promoted by Andrzej Wajda, who was an honorary citizen of Radom.
The major purpose of the Centre is to present and promote the most interesting phenomena related to contemporary visual arts. It organises exhibitions of Polish and foreign art, performances, meetings with artists and curators, sessions and conferences. it also publishes exhibition catalogues, books and jobworks. The Centre also creates its own collection of contemporary art.
ul. Kopernika 1, Radom
+48 48 383 60 77
+48 48 386 16 60
Tickets: PLN 8 (all exhibitions), PLN 4 (one exhibition), PLN 3 (group ticket), PLN 3 (Large Family Card), PLN 1 (special ticket to selected events), PLN 0 (children up to 7); Friday – Free Day; free guide for groups of at least 10 people.
Opening hours: 1 September – 30 June: Monday Closed, Tuesday – Fri 10:00 – 18:00, Saturday – Sunday 12:00 – 18:00; 1 July – 31 August: Monday Closed, Tuesday – Sunday 13:00 – 18:00.

It is located in the historic palace, where the brother of the famous writer, Jerzy Gombrowicz, lived with his wife and daughter in the first half of the 20th century. The permanent exhibition of the museum is based on the writer’s biography and contains many mementos of the artist (documents, photographs, correspondence, typescripts, manuscripts, first editions of his works). The museum organises many cultural events and meetings with artists.
Wsola, ul. Witolda Gombrowicza 1, Jedlińsk municipality
+48 48 321 50 73
Free access, groups with a guide: PLN 3.
Opening hours: 1 April – 31 October: Monday Closed, Tuesday – Sunday 10:00 – 17:00; 1 November – 31 March: Monday Closed, Tuesday – Fri 10:00 – 17:00, Saturday Closed, Sunday 10:00 – 17:00.

The Centre is located in the historic complex of the manor house, including: a palace, a chapel, an orangery, an outhouse, service facilities and a landscape park with ponds. Since 1965, the institution has been organising creative workshops for sculptors and exhibits their works in the modern Contemporary Sculpture Museum. In turn, in the historic manor house, which was owned by painter Józef Brands, 19th-century interiors are presented. The Centre organises family workshops on Sundays.
ul. Topolowa 1, Orońsko
+48 48 618 45 16,
+48 48 618 40 27
Tickets: PLN 10 (adults), PLN 5 (children and young people of 8 to 18, pensioners), PLN 1 (special ticket to selected events), PLN 0 (children of up to 7), guide in Polish: PLN 50, guide in English: PLN 100.
Opening hours: 1 April – 31 October: Monday Closed, Tuesday – Fri 10:00 – 17:00, Saturday – Sunday 10:00 – 18:00; 1 November – 31 March: Monday Closed, Tuesday – Sunday 10:00 – 16:00; the park of sculptures is open every day from 7:00 to the dusk.

In the classical manor house of the 19th century, a biographic exhibition devoted to the greatest poet of the Polish Renaissance is organised. In six rooms, the museum collected many editions of the poet’s works, as well as paintings, woodcuts, ceramics, tapestries and everyday objects, as well as mementos directly connected with John Kochanowski. The exhibition entitled “Babińska Republic”, which presents the culture of the “Golden Age” of the Republic of Poland, is located in the basement. In the chapel located near the manor house, which is devoted to “Psałterz Dawidów” by John Kochanowski, you can listen, among others, to psalms performed by various artists.
Czarnolas 36, gmina Policzna
+48 48 677 20 05
Tickets: PLN 10 (normal without guide), PLN 8 (discount without guide), PLN 14 (normal with guide), PLN 12 (discount with guide), PLN 20 (Large Family Card), PLN 7 (workshops, museum lessons); Saturday: free (in summer Tuesdays are free).
Opening hours: 1 May – 31 August: Monday – Closed, Tuesday – Friday 8:00 – 16:00, Saturday – Sunday 10:00 – 18:00; 1 September – 31 April: Monday – Closed, Tuesday – Friday 8:00 – 16:00, Saturday – Sunday 9:00 – 16:00.

The former Deskur Palace from the 19th century covers the eastern quarter of the Market Square. It hosts the city’s cultural events and exhibition vernissages. An exhibition showing the industrial heritage of Radom in the period 1918 – 1989 is being created there. In addition to the flagship and less known products produced in the city, it will present the everyday life of Radom’s street and courtyard from the times of the Polish People’s Republic. The exhibition will be partially interactive. It will show the living history of Radom.

It was established as a part of a tourist route of 23 most precious historic monuments in Radom. It is located in former religious education rooms. The exhibits are connected with the history of the cathedral and the Radom diocese (for example: old liturgical vestments, illuminated books, baroque tableware) and priests who became martyrs during the Second World War. The lime wood Gothic sculpture of the Radom Madonna is its most precious exhibit.
ul. Sienkiewicza 14, Radom
Opening hours: Tuesday 11:00 – 16:00, on other days subject to a prior appointment made by phone at +48 664 848 005 or in the Tourist Information Centre in Radom, ul. Rwańska 16, +48 362 05 36.

The building was constructed on the foundations of the Dom Wedle Bramy, which was a part of the Radom castle. It housed, among others, royal kitchens and service facilities. After the comprehensive revitalisation of the house, an exhibition presenting objects found during the several years of archaeological studies was prepared. The exhibition includes historic objects dating back to the period from the 14th century to the 18th century, including decorative architectonic details or fragments of ceramic vessels and furnace tiles. The whole exhibition is supplemented with a film presenting the hypothetical reconstruction of the castle complex and posters presenting the history of the castle and consecutive stages of the studies. The exhibition is organised by Rewitalizacja Sp. z o. o.
ul. Grodzka 8, Radom
+48 48 383 08 55
free access
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 – 15:00 or at different time subject to prior appointment.

The astronomic observatory in Radom is the only building of this type in the region. It was constructed from the resources of the Civic Budget and was opened in February 2016. Here, the sky can be observed by the use of five telescopes. The largest telescope is installed on the roof under the openable dome and can be used to observe all planets of the Solar System, nebulas and objects of the deep sky. In turn, the sun can be observed by use of the mobile sun telescope. Inside the Astrobase, there is also a room for classes and lectures. It is equipped with devices used to observe the sky without looking through the telescope.
ul. Wierzbicka 89/93, Radom
+48 48 331 24 13
+48 509 972 275
Free access.
Opening hours for groups are published on the Astrobase’s website. Apart from the classes, the Astrobase is open at night if the visibility is good, in particular during important astronomic phenomena.

Craft traditions of Radom date back to the Middle Ages. This private museum has a collection of mementos connected with crafts of the first half of the 20th century: smithery, masonry, vulcanisery, carpentry, hairdressing, photography and icongraphy.
pl. Konstytucji 3 Maja 3/7, Radom
Opening hours: Wednesday 15:00 – 18:00 or at different time subject to prior appointment, tel. + 48 513 670 481.

The museum is located in the former seat of aristocratic families of Szydłowiecki and Radziwiłł: a Gothic and Renaissance castle surrounded with the overflow area of the Korzeniówka river. This is the only museum in Poland that is devoted to folklore instruments from Poland and other European states. The collection includes 2,300 exhibits, including reconstructed instruments which were only known from traditional sources. Some of instruments were used in Jerzy Hoffman’s film adaptation of Henryk Sienkiewicz novel entitled “With Fire and Sword”.
Museum exhibitions – Castle of the Szydłowiecki and Radziwiłł Families
ul. Gen. J. Sowińskiego 2, Szydłowiec
+48 48 617 12 43
Ticket prices: permanent exhibitions “Instruments . . . – See and Hear the Tradition” and “Magic of Instruments. Three-voice invention”: PLN 18 (normal), PLN 12 (discount), PLN 0 (children up to 7); temporary exhibitions – free. PLN 20 – guide.
Opening hours: 1 April – 30 September: Monday Closed, Tuesday – Friday 9:00 – 16:00, Saturday – Sunday 10:00 – 17:00; 1 October – 31 March: Monday Closed, Tuesday – Sunday 9:00 – 16:00.

It is located in the historic building of a former poorhouse. It holds three permanent exhibitions. One of them presents the decor of a baroque castle chamber. The second exhibition describes the history of the town from prehistoric times to the 20th century. The third exhibition presents pottery traditions of the region and Iłża: one of the oldest pottery centres in Poland. In the ruins of a former castle of Kraków bishops, whose round main tower is a viewing point, you can visit three chambers, where the history of the castle and castle owners is presented.
ul. Błazińska 1, Iłża
+48 48 616 29 29
Tickets: PLN 5 (normal), PLN 3 (discount, Large Family Card); Monday – free day.
Opening hours: 1 May – 30 September: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 15:00, Saturday – Sunday 14:00 – 18:00, 1 October – 30 April: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 15:00, Saturday – Sunday – closed.
Tickets to the tower and chambers: PLN 14 (family 2+2), PLN 5 (normal), PLN 3 (discount, Large Family Card).
Tower and chambers opening hours: 1 May – 30 September: Monday Closed, Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 – 17:00, Friday 11:00 – 18:00, Saturday 14:00 – 19:00, Sunday 12:00 – 19:00, outside the season – subject to prior appointment (organised groups).

The exhibition was inspired by the decor of the poet’s apartments in Hrubieszów, Zamość and Warsaw. It presents everyday life of the artist, his wife and daughters. The exhibition is made of three rooms: a hall, a living room and a study with around three hundred exhibits.
Building of the Tourist Information Point, Plac 11-go Listopada 2, Iłża
+48 537 458 111
Opening hours: 1 May – 30 September: Monday to Friday 8:00 – 16:00, Saturday – Sunday 10:00 – 18:00, 1 October – 30 April: Monday – Friday 8:00 – 16:00.

The forgery was constructed in the years 1890-1892 and was operating with some breaks till 1940. In the two-hectare exhibition complex, there are, among others, three 19th-century charcoal furnaces. In addition, there is a large collection of historic passenger cars, including many prototype vehicles, and over 40 motorcycles and motorbikes. The tourist will also see an exhibition of sewing machines, metal and wood processing machines and weapon production machines.
Historic Forgery
ul. Szkolna 34, Chlewiska
Tickets: PLN 10 (normal), PLN 6 (discount), PLN 5 (group / per person – above 10 people), PLN 25 (family: 2 adults and 1 child), PLN 30 (family: 2 adults and children); Tuesday: free entrance.
Opening hours: 1 May – 31 October: Monday Closed, Tuesday – Sunday 10:00 – 18:00, 1 November – 31 April: Monday Closed, Tuesday – Sunday 9:00 – 16:00.

The museum presents archaeological, historic and sacred exhibits and pieces of art connected with the region of Zwoleń. Guests can visit the Triumph of the Holy Cross church in Zwoleń with the necropolis of the Kochanowski family, where poet John Kochanowski was buried.
ul. Kardynała Wyszyńskiego 30, Zwoleń
+48 48 676 48 72
Ticket: Museum: PLN 5 (normal), PLN 2. 50 (discount, group per person with at least 10 visitors, family per person up to 5 persons), PLN 1 (special – for selected events); Museum and church with guide: PLN 10 (normal), PLN 5 (discount, group per person with at least 10 visitors), PLN 3 (family per person for up to 5 persons), guide: PLN 40 – 120; free day: Saturday.
Opening hours: 1 May – 30 September: Tuesday – Sunday 10:00 – 16:00; 1 October – 30 April: Tuesday – Saturday 9:00 – 15:00, groups – subject to prior appointment by phone.

The museum has a collection of around 5000 exhibits. Some of them are presented in the former palace outhouse, where an ethnographic exhibition of traditions of the region of the Kozienice Forest is held. The permanent exhibition is supplemented with the Stanisław Westwalewicz gallery of Polish painting of the 19th and 20th centuries. The gallery presents, among others, paintings by painters connected with Kozienice and the Kozienicka Forest or showing motifs of the Kozienicka Forest in their works.
ul. Parkowa 5 „B”, Kozienice
+48 48 33 20 560 – zgłaszanie wycieczek
+48 48 33 20 690 – dyrektor
Free entrance.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday 11:00 – 17:00, except public holidays (as listed in the museum’s website).

It commemorates fights at the Warecko-Magnuszewski bridgehead in 1944. It presents, among others, military equipment at their stands, including two tanks, several cannons and howitzers, as well as trenches and dugouts. In the modern exhibition building, there are exhibitions of a collection from the Second World War, multimedia presentations are displayed, and conferences and meetings are organised. In the museum, there is also an observation tower. Every year in July, the museum organises Military Picnics and in August “Meetings at the bridgehead”.
Mniszew 4a, gmina Magnuszew
+48 508 268 520
Tickets: PLN 12 (normal), PLN 8 (discount, for organised groups, each person with Large Family Card).
Opening hours: 2 January – 31 March: Tuesday – Sunday 8:00 – 16:00; 1 April – 31 May: Monday – Sunday 9:00 – 17:00; 1 June – 30 September: Monday – Sunday 10:00 – 18:00; 1 October – 31 December: Monday – Sunday 9:00 – 16:00.

The museum is located in the classical palace of the middle of the 19th century, which dates back to the 17th century. For over 50 years, it has been popularising the history of Polish emigrants to the USA. Here, you will learn the history of many Polish and American figures: Kazimierz Pułaski, Tadeusz Kościuszko, Julian Ursyn-Niemcewicz, Helena Modrzejewska and Ignacy John Paderewski. The interiors of the museum are arranged in the style of an aristocratic manor house. The building is located in the 15-hectare park on the slope over the Pilica river in the NATURE 2000 territory. There is an educational natural path going to the river. In the modern Education and Museum Centre, which was built in 2015, there are concerts, meetings and temporary exhibitions.
ul. Pułaskiego 24, Warka
+48 667 20 20
Tickets: PLN 12 (normal), PLN 7 (discount), PLN 24-45 (family), Thursday: free entrance.
Opening hours: Monday – Tuesday Closed, Wednesday – Friday 10:00 – 17:00, Saturday – Sunday 11:00 – 18:00.

The Helios cinema in Radom is an architecturally attractive building located in the centre of the town. In the building of the cinema, there is the Gallery of Art, which apart from its statutory artistic activities, also organises conferences, meetings and events for companies.
26-600 Radom, ul. Poniatowskiego, tel. 48 340 07 89 email

Multikino in Radom was opened in spring 2011. The cinema has modern digital projectors, six screens and over 1150 seats. It is equipped with a Dolby Digital sound system, panoramic screens and digital projects, thanks to which each spectator will experience top quality cinema emotions.
26-600 Radom, ul.

The cinema offers reviews of films, films for children, nation-wide premieres, outdoor shows, the Film Discussion Club, meetings with authors, the Winter Film Review Koksownik.
Films are projected in the room equipped with the most modern devices: digital projector. The room is almost a copy of the private studio cinema near Paris, which is owned by George Lucas, author of “Star Wars”. On 12 January 2017, the cinema was named after Andrzej Wajda.
ul. Kopernika 1, Radom
+48 48 383 60 77
+48 48 386 16 60

The theatre prepares from 8 to 13 premieres every year. Every two years it organises the International Gombrowicz Festival, which is the only festival promoting Polish literature abroad. The theatre offers classic titles in the traditional and modern form, original performances, musicals and contemporary plays.
plac Jagielloński 15, Radom
Ticket Office: + 48 386 52 67, +48 604 566 406
Tickets: PLN 40-70 (normal), PLN 30-40 (discount), PLN 30-60 (group), PLN 20-30 (school), plays for children: PLN 20-25.
Ticket office is open from Tuesday to Friday 9:00-13:00 and 16:00-19:00, Saturday and Sunday 16:00-19:00.

It has been existing since January 2007 and is made of 16 full-time musicians. The orchestra plays any music from baroque to the present. The artistic season of the orchestra is enriched with special events, including, without limitation, a charity Christmas concert and the New Year’s Eve Gala. The orchestra performs together with outstanding soloists and conductors, including, for example Piotr Pławner, Krzysztof Pełech, John Jakub Bokun, Dawid Runtz, Wiesław Pieregorólka, as well as such world class bands like: Atom String Quartet, Klezmafour or Kapela ze wsi Warszawa.
ul. Żeromskiego 53, Radom
+48 48 362 04 44,
+48 48 360 24 80
Concert tickets: PLN 16 – 40 (concerts from the repertoire), PLN 40–120 (special events)
The ticket office is open: Monday to Friday 8:00 – 16:00, 3 days before the concert 8:00 – 18:00, and on the concert day 15:00 – 20:00.